Monday, October 02, 2006

Entry Zero: Introductions.

Currently Active Users: 296 (199 members and 97 guests)
Threads: 11,564
Posts: 234,541
Members: 36,530
Active Members: 20,310

These are the statistics as of this moment on a forum. The Forum (as I will refer to it from here on) is a messageboard dedicated to the discussion and sharing of nearly every form of hentai. Hentai, for those who are not aware, is the japanese word for "pervert" and in general use (outside of Japan) refers to pornographic cartoons, comic books ("manga"), and videogames. This forum is one of the most active forums on this topic that I have ever seen. I still find myself astounded at the sheer size and activity level of the Forum. I first discovered it by accident about two years ago, since I looked at it now and then, watching the customs and terms of the people who frequent it. Recently I began to research in earnest, trying to figure out what made the people there tick, were they sick sub-human perverts? Socially awkward? Maybe just normal people? I watched trying to find an answer.

I don't have one. I decided today to try and write up what I had seen and what I thought of it and found myself speechless. At various points during my research I've cringed, thought I was going to vomit, wanted to take a baseball bat to the people there, but most often just looked on dumbfounded. I plan to try and display some of the habits and customs of the people who frequent the Forum and let you decide. Since I see no reason to advertise the location of the site to people who may do untoward things to my subjects all names are psuedonyms and the site itself will never be linked.

I will try to put up my first entry later this week.